I have come to the end of my class on the Read/Write web. We've covered a lot of topics in the last six weeks and I feel that I have barely scrached the surface. Everywhere I turn there is another curve or whirl that draws me hither or yon. I don't mind though. It is like the surface of my desk at school. It looks a mess but I can usually find what I'm looking for. I am excited about the possibilities of merging my math, science, and elective curriculum with new media tools. They offer greater possibilites for content, exploration, and expression for both my students and myself. I have enjoyed publishing a web page , blog, and several groups . I subscribed to a social network , news aggregator , and several other organizations that can assist me with content, grants, and other help. Will I continue to blog. You bet!!!
Marcia Tate, according to my notes, once said that professional development meetings are like flocks of seagulls. Presenters fly in, drop a load, and leave. Look out! Ms. Tate is the famous teacher and development specialist who contrary to her metaphor, provided one of the most inspiring workshops in my recent teacher training. Developing Minds I am scheduled to deliver PD's in the coming weeks and I want to make a positive impact with the tools I am learning. My real challenge is to make the tools work for me and figure out how to teach others to take and adapt what works for them More to follow.
Our research from the field trip is almost done. The kids are editing a variety of documents and I expect to finish next week. I have uploaded the files from student's cameras and posted the photos at our Picasaweb site. Some of their group writing work is on posted on unkelwiki Other students are using power point or word documents to edit and we will make them available at the Classroom group. I have not been able to get them all G-mail accounts yet. One enterprising group has recorded a podcast This is really fun for them and I wish you could see my class. They are on fire.