Read Write Web - The Malachite Maze

I have come to the end of my class on the Read/Write web. We've covered a lot of topics in the last six weeks and I feel that I have barely scrached the surface. Everywhere I turn there is another curve or whirl that draws me hither or yon. I don't mind though. It is like the surface of my desk at school. It looks a mess but I can usually find what I'm looking for.

I am excited about the possibilities of merging my math, science, and elective curriculum with new media tools. They offer greater possibilites for content, exploration, and expression for both my students and myself.

I have enjoyed publishing a web page, blog, and several groups. I subscribed to a social network, news aggregator, and several other organizations that can assist me with content, grants, and other help.

Will I continue to blog.

You bet!!!
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mrdelacruz said…
I think you summarized it pretty well. We have barely touched the surface and I am as excited as you are with all these tools and for their potential to enhance student achievement.

I think you have shown us the way because you have actually implemented a lot of what we have read about it.

I will continue to read your blog for inspiration and support!
Jose Rodriguez said…
Cool so do we go from here? The last six weeks have been a roller coaster ride and even with the end of the school year, we managed to survive. So what does it mean to be a Google Certified Teacher?
Charlie said…
Google maintains an educator group and offers periodic training around the country for teachers. There was and application process and I got to attend for 2 days in Santa Monica.

We develop and action plan which coincided nicely with the Read/Write web class.

You are all welcome to continue to communicate with me and I will do my best to be helpful with whatever I learn.

Lore said…
I agree that there are lots of twists and turns. In fact, that's what kept getting me off-track when I was trying to finish my project--I kept looking at 'just one more link', and would then get distracted reading new information. It has been a great experience, though, and I look forward to reading all of the projects, and sharing them with colleagues! Thanks for your blog--great comments all!

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