Professional Development
Marcia Tate, according to my notes, once said that professional development meetings are like flocks of seagulls. Presenters fly in, drop a load, and leave.

Ms. Tate is the famous teacher and development specialist who contrary to her metaphor, provided one of the most inspiring workshops in my recent teacher training.

Ms. Tate is the famous teacher and development specialist who contrary to her metaphor, provided one of the most inspiring workshops in my recent teacher training.
Developing Minds
I am scheduled to deliver PD's in the coming weeks and I want to make a positive impact with the tools I am learning. My real challenge is to make the tools work for me and figure out how to teach others to take and adapt what works for them
More to follow.
More to follow.
I agree teachers need to have the disposition to keep up and current to be better prepared to teach the students in today's classrooms.
I think to be responsible we have to bring into the classroom the tools that our students are familiar with and which can enhance their learning. I also believe quality PD is necessary for tha to happen.