The Class of Tomorrow

My 6th grade class ended their school year today. We viewed Spy Kids 3-D with anaglyphic glasses during which we all consumed far too much sugar and salt. Next year I will supply more fruit and veggies. Letting the kids provide lunch was a bit of a mistake. After wreaking havoc, signing each other’s yearbooks, and playing games, we cleaned the classroom. I sat them down and quieted them for the last five minutes of the school year. I spoke quietly to them about what the year had meant. “This is your last moment as sixth graders. My doors are now a time portal through which you will pass into the future. Think about how you came here and what you have accomplished and reflect on its’ meaning to you. This room and your place in it will never be the same again.” All this was delivered while the overture from Scheherazade played through I-Tunes. Their eyes got wide and we all looked at each other and I felt they had understood what I meant. I must admit that I was a little...